“Turn-Key” projects

Production of Green Germination



There are three main factors in the socio-economic setting: the goods' and services' manufacturers, the final consumer, and among these, the distribution systems.

Thus, the evolutionary development and physical carrying out of these three actions make it necessary to use engineering as a source for the projects that are set as a practical solution for specific purposes.

Eleusis Internacional, S.A. dynamically breaks out in engineering, defining itself as the performer of “Turn-Key” projects, with a large range of possibilities, but tending towards the agro-industrial sector, vital for any development.

It began its activity in 1985, with an innovating vocation, accepting difficult challenges and not contenting itself with traditional solutions.

The first target set was hydropony and obtaining forage aimed at nourishing animals was included in this cultivation technique of plants without soil.

For the first time ever, the development and application of self-patent systems, as well as the professional treatment systems, led this technology to obtaining optimal practical results.